We Talkin' Bout Practice! - Augustus Roark Celebrates Allen Iverson
This is a first in another series of Augustus Roark celebrating Individualist, Iconic, Heroic, maybe a little controversial, but also, style and fashion icons within the world of sports. The debut feature is on, Allen Iverson, aka: "The Answer"
Iverson was, and is, a true Maverick. The corn rows, the tattoo's, the hip-hop style, the oversized shorts, he created an image that was impenetrable for decades. His swagger was adopted and carried on for an entire generation! And he was the first...he led it all! He was more influential, from a brand, style, and rock n roll like status than any movie star, rapper, or athlete around during that time. And of course, there's the infamous press conference where he was fined for missing practice...we talkin' bout practice!
But it wasn't just his style...could he play? Damn right he could play! There isn't a player that he ever played against that he didn't absolutely dominate or humiliate at one point and time, even MJ, the GOAT himself wasn't spared.
The Crossover that broke thousands of ankles that spanned decades. He could shoot, he could drive, he could dunk, and when the game was on the line, there's no one you'd rather have take the final shot...okay...maybe MJ, but Iverson is close. He won the NBA scoring title 4 years, as one of the leagues smallest players. And, no, he didn't just hit threes (although he certainly could do that), he'd drive it into the lane and dunk on people too:
Although he only won the MVP once, he led the 76'ers to the Finals (pretty much single-handedly) and damn near took down Kobe and Shaq!
Iverson is beloved by so many, and created a God-Like Status for himself. Often times the sports heroes that become the timeless favorites, are the ones that are the most human...because they're like us...they make mistakes, they aren't perfect, nor do the claim to be. Iverson was always a freak amongst freaks (freaks meaning...just insanely talented and athletic). His High School Quarterback youtube clips standalone on their own! He could have played football at any top-tier blue-blood football program in the country.
But then there's his high school basketball highlights, which, somehow, are even better!
He gave us his blood, sweat, and tears and always wore his heart on his sleeve.
Iverson personified the Augustus Roark spirit of oozing with style, passion, and loyalty. His style was somehow both vintage, and modern, but more than anything, it was his own. Though he butted heads with head coach, Larry Brown, often, no one would ever claim that he wasn't a great teammate and that he didn't give it his all.
Cheers to "The Answer" Allen Iverson